204 - Bianca Nicolai

Bianca Nicolai is a Webflow developer and a freelance makeup artist based in Atlanta, GA

Bianca Nicolai is a Webflow developer and a freelance makeup artist based in Atlanta, GA. Both of these passions came together through designing and developing her personal website.

Twitter → twitter.com/biancanicolai__



  • Webflow
  • Figma
  • Things 3
  • Apple Music
  • Todoist
  • Notability
  • Twitter
  • Apple Calendars
  • Apple Reminders

What is your favorite item in your workspace?

It’s hard to choose, but I would say my favorite item from my workspace is the HomePod Mini. My favorite music is always a voice command away as well as other tasks like setting timers and controlling lights.

How do you spark creativity?

There’s nothing like a fresh cup of coffee, a candle and a good music playlist. And also taking breaks, where I like to read a good book or watch an inspiring YouTube video.

How do you manage work-life balance?

I write down and schedule everything! My daily planner is my best friend, and I will write everything I need to get done or wish to do, no matter if it’s work or personal. It helps me stay on top of it and balance everything out.
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