281 - Drew Coffman

Drew Coffman is a web3 optimist and community builder

Drew Coffman is a web3 optimist who works with the social DAO 'Friends with Benefits' to build community.

He previously pioneered a better decentralized web with Aave and fostered partnerships with Gitcoin.

Prior to that he cultivated community for Unsplash and Creative Market.

Twitter → twitter.com/drewcoffman

Inside Drew's Workspace


Objects on desk:

  • Montblanc Rouge et Noir
  • Boot Boyz playing cards
  • Nintendo Game Boy Printer
  • PlayDate
  • Hario coffee server
  • Treadmill remote
  • Hydro Flask
  • Steam Deck
  • Tomb Series book
  • Print by Chuck 'NoPattern' Anderson
  • Lil Nouns bag of coffee
  • Sonos One
  • Zippo lighter
  • Higonokami knife
  • Ledger
  • Wiimote

Objects on pegboard:

  • AlphaSmart 3000 modded with mechanical switches
  • Magsafe tripod
  • Batteries for Leica Q
  • AA battery charger
  • Sharpies
  • PS Vita
  • Controller for PS4
  • Nintendo 3DS
  • Controller for GameCube
  • Pro Controller for Nintendo Switch Pro
  • Incense


  • Arc browser
  • Obsidian
  • Discord
  • FWB app
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Adobe Photoshop

What is your favorite item in your workspace?  

When I'm in the middle of a long workday, I often take a quick walk around the neighborhood to clear my head — but sometimes leaving my office is a challenge, which is why the combination of a standing desk and treadmill has been a complete game-changer for me. Now, even on rainy or gloomy days when I don't feel like going outside, I can get a quick walk in while staying focused on my work. It's amazing how much of a difference this has made in my productivity and overall well-being.

How do you spark creativity?

I have a Sony PVM CRT in my office which I keep connected to a Nintendo Wii. This lets me quickly pop an SD card into the Wii and play videos or images via a homebrew app called WiiMC. When I feel like I could use a new perspective, I'll put my work on the CRT to re-contextualize it and view it through a piece of technology that brings me joy. It's amazing how adding a little bit of playful nostalgia to my routine can get me excited about what I'm working on.

What interests you most about web3?

I'm a big believer that we should feel ownership over our online identity and the spaces we inhabit. Some of the most exciting projects in web3 are the ones exploring how to create a truly decentralized internet that puts each person in control of their own data and online experience. I love being part of a space which is working to enable new expressions of how we interact with not only the web, but with each other.
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