287 - David Arroyo

David Arroyo is the founder of DigitalCollars, a digital consultancy that provides software solutions for manufacturing companies.

David Arroyo is the founder of DigitalCollars, a digital consultancy that provides software solutions for manufacturing companies.

He has always been passionate about tech and engineering. In 2013, while working in his first job at a factory, he realized many processes could be automated using simple software tools. Since then, he developed several solutions to improve his own work, and in 2020 founded DigitalCollars to help other facilities do the same.

GitHub → github.com/darroyolpz

Inside David's Workspace


What is your favorite item in your workspace?

My favorite “item” is definitely the views. Working remotely has brought many benefits for me, but one of them is waking up to such nice scenery every morning. Also, having a clean setup boosts my productivity. I’m not really into having lots of papers over the desk.

How do you spark creativity?

I’m the most creative when doing something completely different than work. Working out, having a walk, or simply connecting ideas when hanging out with some friends. For me, it’s very difficult to be productive by sitting for eight hours straight on a chair, so I’m constantly walking around the house thinking out loud.

How do you manage work-life balance?

I really love what I do, so I don’t feel that urge to separate them. My mind is always seeking new ideas so it would be a waste of time trying to stop it from doing so. The only thing I’m forcing myself to do is working out regularly, and I feel quite refreshed after that dopamine release in the morning.
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